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A big welcome to our Year 4 Class web page!

We are a happy, healthy place to learn and are really looking forward to all the new learning we will be doing this year. Here is an overview of what we have to come:

Autumn 1: Geography focus - Where in the world am I?
Autumn 2: Art focus - Native Australian artist
Spring 1: History focus - Stone age to Iron age
Spring 2: Computing focus - Programming
Summer 1: Geography focus - Explorers (South America)
Summer 2: D&T focus - Textiles
Are our textiles products fit for purpose?

We paid nursery a visit to ensure our stories and teddies were fit for purpose. The overall conclusion was that 'Yes, our teddies were durable enough to survive an afternoon in nursery and reception!'. As part of our evaluation, some children decided that they may use different stitching in future or a larger piece of material to improve durability.

Mr Men & Little Miss!

This half term, our driver has been Design & Technology with a particular focus on textiles. After investigating lots of types of teddies and cushions, looking at the stitching that has been used and the different seams, we then designed our own Mr Men or Little Miss Character. Over the course of the half term, we created our character along with an accompanying story within our English lessons. What do you think?? We are VERY proud of our hard work and efforts throughout!

Maths investigation!
Seed growing!

In science, we have been learning about plants and the roles of the different parts of a plant. To see this for ourselves, we grew some seeds having chosen where we wanted to position them in the classroom. As they grew, we discussed the roots and their purpose, as well as the shoots that began to emerge. We took responsibility for watering our plant each day and some of us decided to move its position based on the success of other group's work. Well done Year 4.

Spelling practice!

To make our spelling practice a little more active, we have enjoyed heading outside with our list of spellings and a partner. Our task was to share the word with our partner and then aim to successfully catch a ball whilst shouting the next letter of the word. Some of us preferred to do a skip for each letter instead in preparation for our Maypole skipping celebration. Exercise and spelling practice in one!!

Ukulele Lessons
Year 4 have been learning to play the ukulele. We can play four chords (one minor and three major chords): Am, C, F and G (the G chord is super tricky to play because the fingering is complicated).  With these four chords, we can play so many pieces. This video is of Little Talks by Of Mice and Men. You can tell by the looks of concentration of their faces that this one takes a lot of effort!
Pupils have worked together to support one another and the progress they have made week on week is really impressive! 
Skipping competition!

On Wednesday, we travelled by coach to Leeds Trinity University to take place in our skipping competition against seven other schools! We managed to win two bronze, one silver and FOUR gold medals. We all showed fantastic team work, encouragement and perseverance throughout. Well done Year 4!!

Esme - I’m proud of our team for persevering and getting so many points.
Ollie – I enjoyed all of it but my fabourite was ‘keep the pot boiling’
Daniel – I liked it all and for some reason when I was up there I found the pretzel easier.
Lily – My favourite part was when I did my side swing.
Darcie – I found ‘keep the pot boiling’ hard but it got easier as we went on.
Jessica M – I am realty proud of everyone in our class as they tried their best. We tried to get as many points as possible.
Elliot – I am proud of getting my highest amount of crossovers.

Leaf sketching!

On Tuesday, we enjoyed our first orienteering session of the half term. Here are our thoughts so far:

Rosie - I enjoy using the maps in orienteering to tell my partner where to go.

Daniel - If we could do it every day, I would!!

Esme - I really enjoy running around like crazy trying to find all of the spots!

Jemima - I really enjoyed working as a team with Rosie.

Jessica M - It was tiring!

Darcie - It was fun but also tiring at the same time!

'Which nappy is the most absorbent?' investigation!
Where are the Tropical Rainforests?

To begin our Geography curriculum driver for this half term, we used atlases to locate the Tropical Rainforests of the world. We discussed their position being close to the equator and how this links to their climate.

Stonehenge Art!
Cave Painting Art!

Year 4 have been learning how to play the chords Am, C and F on the ukulele. We have enjoyed playing along to a song called Thunder by Imagine Dragons.
Skipping festival!

In preparation for our upcoming skipping competition later this year, we enjoyed an afternoon skipping session this week. We focused on the double bounce and cross over and we were also introduced to 'run jump out' and 'keep the pot boiling'.


We enjoyed practically investigating how to set up a simple series circuit. We discussed what changes we predicted if we added another battery or another bulb before testing it out. We then moved on to adding switches into our circuits before we will try and create our OWN in our next science lesson.

How to trap the Iron Man!

With our curriculum driver focusing on coding this half term, we thought we would link 'giving instruction' into our writing. Having read the first part of our story 'The Iron Man', we wrote instructions for how to trap him! We did a brilliant job of using all of the grammar we had been taught recently, along with some detailed sketches of what our plan would look like.


In Mandarin lessons so far this year, we have learnt how to say some fruits, types of pets, foods and how to say please and thank you. To help us learn about fruits we learnt different actions, we also did this for animals and sports.

Darcie - I liked how we learnt how to say things we like and dislike.

Harrison - We learnt how the two different words for orange are different.


This half term we have been learning about the skeleton of the human body. First of all, Miss Palfreeman asked us to draw where we think the bones are inside our body. We then looked at lots of pictures of human skeletons before we had a go at creating one using cotton buds!

Dot painting!

This half term, our driver is Native Australian Art. We have learnt lots about how art was used to tell stories over generations as well as about the life and work of Martha McDonald. Here are some pictures of us creating dot paintings of our own.

York's Chocolate Story

Year 3 and 4 have been enjoying their class novel Charlie and the Chocolate Factory by Roald Dahl. What better trip to go on than to visit York’s Chocolate Story! The children were fantastically behaved and really impressed both Mrs Dealtry-Dawson and Miss Palfreeman alongside members of the public in York! The children at various points throughout the day were able to take part on a tour of York’s Chocolate Story itself learning more about the origin of cocoa beans, the process of making chocolate and some of the significant families in York and the UK for making chocolate as we know it today. The children were very impressed with the magical window revealing a large amount of quality streets on show as well as the educational videos they were able to watch as part of the tour. I don’t think they expected to see such a range of kit kat wrappers and flavours either! As part of our visit we took part in some scientific workshops where we had to wear our hair nets and protective gloves. We learnt more about the processes linked to our states of matter learning of chocolate going from solids to liquids and liquid to solid. In addition we learnt about the process and ingredients involved in making chocolate. To put this to the test we then created our own chocolate bars and chocolate lollies. Another key part of our day was exploring the city of York with famous sights such as The Shambles and Clifford’s Tower. The children were set challenges to find human and physical geography features throughout York as well as visiting key places linked to key people such as Joseph Rowntree and Mary Ann Craven. A very proud moment for their exemplary behaviour was at the church we visited where the children were impeccable and so respectful and quiet. It was truly a wonderful day and the children did brilliantly with their walking, learning, listening and team work. We thought they may be a bit tired on the return home but our singing voices were in full flow on the coach! What a wonderful trip Year 3 and 4!

Here are some of our thoughts on our day out!
Esme – My favourite part was when we made the chocolates bar.
Daniel – I feel an 11 out of 10 after that trip.
Alexander- Even though it was our first trip, it was very fun and maybe we might have other fun trips.
Jemima – My favourite part was decorating the chocolate with the honeycomb and everything and the interesting facts too about how they made chocolate.
Elliot – my favourite part was eating the chocolate.
Sebastian – I was surprised when the quality street came out!!
Harrison – I liked the mini movie.
NONE of us liked the little drink!!
Darcie – I liked when we learnt about how they mashed the cocoa beans together and how it was made into chocolate.


We went on a hunt for leaves this week to look at how nature changes with the change of season. With our findings we created some beautiful artwork of our observations using oil pastels.


Following on from our coastal setting description in English, we have used our knowledge of shading to create some sketches of different shells. We are very proud of the result!
