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Parents and Year 6 pupils,
I’ve moved Year 6’s "Roman theme day" forward a week from Fri 9th March to Fri 2nd March. Please could you alter it in your diaries and calendars. This new date (2nd March) is more up to date than the 9th March which was on the newsletter. We will be in fancy dress as Romans that day so get planning.

Thank you! 
Mrs Reid
Year 6 class teacher 

Term 3 - SUMMER!

Year 6 Tri Golf
On Tuesday 22nd May, Year 6 took part in a Tri-Golf taster session at Wetherby High School. The morning was led by some Year 10 pupils as part of a “Young Sports Leader” award that they are working towards. The children were split into 8 groups and competed against each other in different golfing activities. The young leaders commented on the class’s good listening skills, determination and improvement across the morning and said that they had been a pleasure to lead. Due to the wonderful impression our Year 6 children made, the head of PE at Wetherby High gave the children a free opportunity to take part in some football skills training and activities on their AstroTurf pitch with an outside agency, who had come to provide lunchtime activities for the high school children. This extra treat was thoroughly enjoyed by all and was a lovely way to end the morning. Abbi – The tri-golf session was a really good way to encourage more children to do different sports activities. Harrison – I really enjoyed hitting the ball on targets, and I am glad my team won the competition. Imogen – It was a really enjoyable way to relax after SATs week. James - It was a very enjoyable experience and I think it would encourage more children to do sports.
Well done Year 6!
“You should all be so proud of yourselves at the end of your SATs!
You displayed great maturity and resilience during the week of tests and assessments. We are all incredibly proud of you and all of your hard work building up to them. I would like you all to remember that you all have amazing qualities and talents that SATs don’t test. We look forward to seeing those come into the spotlight in the KS2 production! We have some more learning to complete, before the final submission of data to the local authority, at the end of June, then all our attention and focus can turn to the production and all things Aladdin!”

Term 2-Winter/Spring 2018

Spring first half term newsletter

Spring second half term newsletter

In summer 2018, pupils will be given a finished grade for their writing. "Working at the expected level" is where Year 6 age pupils aim to be. "Working towards the expected level" is a set of targets for pupils who struggle with elements of English e.g. spelling, handwriting and punctuation. This is classed as working below Year 6 standard. The final set of targets are aspirational. These are called "Working in Greater depth at the expected standard". Pupils would need to get all the targets first from "Working at the expected standard" across a range of genres and then show the "Working in Greater depth" targets securely across a range of genres.

Click here for Year 6 writing targets

Part of the end of Year expectation is that Year 6 pupils can spell the Year 5 6 spelling words (see list below from Autumn term). Pupils need to make sure they can spell all the words from Year 3 4 if they are aiming for "Working towards the expected standard at Year 6". If they are aiming for "Working at the expected standard" or "Greater depth", then they should make sure they know all the Year 3 4 spellings and the Year 5 6 ones.

These can be worked on at home using this website:

In Year 6, you should make sure you that you are secure with these Maths skills and those from previous Year groups.

Click here for Year 6 Maths targets

In Year 6, we make use of games in the classroom to help the pupils learn in a fun and engaging manner. One of the best websites is Mathsframe.co.uk. You can select "Year 6 programme of study" and then you can work on any elements which need some practice at home. If pupils are "Working towards" rather than at the expected standard, then you can select a lower year group first and work on those skills before the Year 6 ones. We stick to the free games. I hope this helps.


In Year 6, you will need to illustrate the grammar skills from all primary Year groups in your own grammar work; your discussion of other people's writing (your reading) and through your own writing.

Click here for Year 6 grammar vocabulary 

Click here for a SPAG mat that we use in the classroom with all you need to know in one place.

In order to learn everything you need to know for SATs, make use of the wealth of games online for SPAG (Spelling, punctuation and grammar). This article has links to a few good ones. 


The "Grammarsaurus," video clips on YouTube are great to make sure you are using things accurately. They use songs/raps to revise concepts. Just be careful what video plays automatically next. 


Term 1-Autumn/Winter 2017

Autumn first half term newsletter
Autumn second half term newsletter

Welcome to the Year 6 page.

To all Year 6 pupils and parents, 
I have a big pile of Reading journals so if you are looking for yours, I probably have it. It's fine to do Christmas reading journal tasks neatly on paper and stick them in on the first day back in January.

Thank you so much for your very kind gifts, cards and wishes around Christmas. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! See you all in 2018. 

From Mrs Reid

The Year 5/6 spelling list which pupils need to know by the end of Year 6:

-To understand the Grammar vocabulary from Year 1-6:

-To learn times tables:
Year 6 at Lineham Farm for our 2017 2018 Year 6 residential. 

Lineham Farm

These are some photos from our amazing Lineham Farm trip in September 2017.

Halloween 2017

Year 6 celebrated Halloween in style. See some of the fancy dress and pumpkins below.
